Welcome to Penetration testing - Personal study notes!

This are my personal notes taken during the path into security.

In this notes there are topics I have found interesting and wanted to learn. What has worked for me might not work for you, but if you think I made a mistake somewhere feel free to submit PR. Any knowledge learned from this notes should be used wisely and legally, but most importantly you are using it at your own responsibility.

All of my study notes are released under MIT license, there is no guarantee anything here will work (for you), and I take NO responsibility for any illegal actions made after reading this notes.

Feel free to use them during your study and if you find it useful you can star this repository. If you find a mistake or you think I have missed something important I am more than happy to accept RP in repo with source code.

Notes are written in Sphinx documentation format. You can visit build notes at url: https://ricco386.github.io/Penetration-testing/

Other personal notes from RITx Cybersecurity MicroMasters® Program courses:

Indices and tables